Monday, 4 February 2013


When God closes one door He opens a better one. I am so grateful for this because the job is Reading is not ours. I think we are doing ok now but it was a knock back at first and left us all feeling low and defeated for a good twenty four hours. When I found out about the job it was about nine at night, I wondered into the kitchen and grabbed some chocolate and ate it in silence everything just sinking in. Then I sat on the bench not knowing what to do or how to get rid of my heavy heart. I started to pray, my face crumpled as I cried and I thanked God for not giving us that job because as much as we all wanted it, it obviously was not right for us. God just saved us and will turn us towards a better job.

The next day we start applying for more jobs and not giving up on God. I think the Reading job has helped us heal relationships with family and show us what is more important, God is more important than the job. We have become stronger and God was there to catch us as we fell and place us back on our feet, holding our hands.

As I type this our bunny Willow is jumping around my room and has now come up to my bed and is peering at me from below his big eyes checking me out. Oh, and now he is chasing the cat around the room. This morning we went swimming and tomorrow we will start home schooling. Although I thought things had stopped when the job disappeared I now realise how wrong I am. Things are still moving, we are all healthy and well. We will find another job, we will move to England, we will find a house and no matter how many times we fall God will be there ready to catch us. We really are very blessed.

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