The church service today was amazing, the worship being the best part for me. Just the amazing atmosphere there alone is something I let touch my heart. All these amazing people coming to worship and praise the one and only God who has risen. The moment my family and I stepped into the room of worship there is nothing I could do but sway to the music, throw my head back and sing to the Lord. Spinning Martha around and around as she laughed her voice rising with everyone else’s as one to God.
It has been said, and said again but the message doesn’t seem to get across to people. Everywhere on this Easter weekend everyone is experiencing a day for God. This is for God. The God who died for us. Who hang on that cross and died for us! They may ignore it, take it as a chance to eat chocolate until it can be eaten no more, spend hundreds on chocolate but really what they are buying is Chocolate Easter eggs, bunnies and chicks. What do they represent? NEW LIFE!! Praise the Lord for new life! For hanging on that cross and dying for us!
That is love.
Happy Easter everyone! xxx ~H